2007- 2010 Maria Sokhn CALIMERA - Conference Advanced Level Information ManagEment & RetrievAl
CALIMERA is a joint collaboration PhD work with the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland (EIA-FR), the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the National School of Telecommunication of Paris (TELECOM ParisTech). CALIMERA stands for Conference Advanced Level Information ManagmEnt & RetrievAl. The aim of the project is to design and implement a knowledge management framework for content based indexing and retrieval of conference video recordings. CALIMERA aims to bridge the gap between the implicit knowledge conveyed in the content resources and the explicit representation of knowledge required for efficient multimedia retrieval, access, sharing, and content annotation by communities. The framework aims at providing a solution for two main tasks; the knowledge and information management of a conference video recording as well as their retrieval. We argue that the retrieval process is enhanced if the content and the context of a conference during its life cycle are taken into account for describing the resources. Therefore we proposed to design a conference model based on user requirements in conference video recording retrieval. In order to provide a common retrieval framework for different users we developed HELO a High-level modEL for cOnference composed of different scopes corresponding to a set of interpretations of the audiovisual content based on users retrieval needs. We studied a set of queries put forward by different users. Based on this we identified 8 Scopes, which correspond to the most common retrieval activities of users in a scientific conference environment.
Links: CALIMERA project | Smac project